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Cooper Johnson

Cooper Johnson photo Cooper Johnson

Cooper is the Owner and Head Coach of Iconic Fencing Club.

Cooper has been involved in the sport of fencing for over 17 years, beginning his journey at Bacon Academy where he was ECC Champion and First Team All-State in his high school career. He then attended Sacred Heart University, where the team went on to achieve NFC Championships all four years of his collegiate career. Cooper continued training after graduation, fencing in multiple National events with an emphasis on continued dedication to the sport and level of competition.

Cooper also continued with coaching after graduation, returning to his alma mater Bacon Academy to coach multiple state and ECC medalists and finalists, all while simultaneously coaching at Iconn Fencing Club and Silver City Fencing Club until taking over the club in 2023.

Cooper also holds a degree in Exercise Science from SHU, which provides a unique insight into the physical movement aspect of the sport. With years of experience in Exercise Physiology and Physical Therapy environments, Cooper believes in a science-based approach to training for fencing, and has the tools for injury prevention and rehabilitation.